Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669
(727) 246-4000
Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669 • (727) 246-4000

FHS Vision
Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready

FHS Calendar of Events

Sherriff’s Award
Congratulations to Bailey Albright for earning this service award presented by the Pasco County Sherriff's Office. Sherriff's Office Award

MegaShow: Success
Great turnout from the Mega Sports Card Show. All proceeds go directly to student fundraising. Thanks to our special guests Miki Sudo, the Nathan's Coney Island Female 10 time champion and Nick Wehry the National Ranked Competitive Eater to signing autographs....

2024-2025 Fivay Bell Schedule

Senior Portraits
Class of 2025 Students To schedule an appointment for your Senior portraits and yearbook picture (cutoff deadline is Nov. 23), please scan to open a Students must have an appointment!...

MIT Bound
🎓✨ Huge Congratulations to Fivay High School’s 2023-2024 Valedictorian, Wilson Cao! 🏆 Wilson has earned a spot at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the top universities globally. He’ll be diving into the world...
Hurricane Helene Support
Fivay High School and our community partnerships were able to work together to provide support to our neighbors that needed to shelter at Fivay High. Thank you to our partners for supplying much needed food relief during this tragic situation. ...

Dirty Dogs Car Wash
A big thank you to our Community Partner Dirty Dog's Car Wash of Hudson for providing our staff with a delicious lunch from Panera Bread! We really appreciate it!
Other News

Dirty Dogs Car Wash: Community Partner
Fivay would like to thank Dirty Dogs Car Wash for supplying a fantastic lunch for our staff members. Thanks for partnering with Fivay High school. 1909 US 19, Port Richey, FL 34668
Aaron’s of Hudson: Community Partner
Thank you to Aaron's of Hudson for surprising the staff of Fivay High with lunch to close out our school year. Community partners are a vital part of building connections within our neighborhoods.
Graduation - June 5, 2025 at 1:30 pm
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.