Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669
(727) 246-4000
Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669 • (727) 246-4000

FHS Vision
Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready

FHS Calendar of Events

After School Learning
If you are behind in credits for graduation, please take advantage of this opportunity. Transportation WILL NOT be provided!

Teacher & SRP of the Year 2024-25
Congratulations to Fivay High's 2024-25 winners. Teacher of the year: Ms. Von Frank School Related Personnel: Danielle O'Keefe

Seniors: Need Testing?
SR Exams 2024

Mr. Smith’s Fire Science Classes
Mr. Smiths class had a guest speaker today, Fire & Life Safety Educator Lisa Brekke with Pasco County Fire Rescue Community Risk Reduction (CRR). She spoke with our Fire Academy students about the overview of her role in CRR and the benefits to the community. They...

Tampa Bay Times NIE Award
Congratulations to Mr. Riel, our Criminal Justice teacher, for being recognized as and awarded the Tampa Bay Times NIE Teacher of the year. Mr. Riel is not only dedicated but loves educating and shaping our Fivay High students.

Firefighting: Lowe’s Donation
Fivay High School Fire Science Academy received a generous donation of a chainsaw, chain oil, and roof deck screws from the Lowe’s Home Improvement store in New Port Richey. This community support allows our students to learn/perform the techniques of vertical...

Hurricane Milton: Support & Volunteers
Fivay High would like to thank our community partners for donating food and supplies to our shelter staff. Please help support these businesses as they are a pivotal part of our community.
Other News

Senior Breakfast May 2024
Central Park Family Restaurant of Trinity became a community partner as they prepared our Senior Breakfast. This tradition provides a time for Senior students to relax and enjoy time with friends and staff as they the end of their high school experience. Several staff...
Panera of Port Richey
Fivay would like to thank Panera of Port Richey for their continued support as community partners.
Graduation - June 5, 2025 at 1:30 pm
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