Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669
(727) 246-4000
Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669 • (727) 246-4000

FHS Vision
Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready

FHS Calendar of Events

Spring Break: March 17-March 21

Teacher Planning Day: March 14

ACT Exam: Non-College Reporting
Juniors and Seniors: if you need test scores for Reading and/or Math for graduation purposes, we will be offering the ACT exam on campus on March 25th, 26th, & 27th @ 9:05am each day. Here are a few important things to know: Seniors will NOT need to pay to take...

Seniors: Graduation Guidelines
Please visit the Senior Information tab or click below. There is important End of Year Activities and dates to consider before graduation day!
Winter Dance CANCELLED
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Sneakerella Dance has been cancelled. Refunds will be issued to all those who purchased tickets. We apologize for the inconvenience, Fivay Student Council

Card Show: Huge Success
The Fivay HS Mega Sports Card Show was a huge success! Thanks to everyone that made it possible while supporting the Class of 2028! A special thanks to former MLB players Toby Hall and Rob Ducey for making an appearance! The Fivay HS Mega Sports Card Show was a huge...

Fire Science Academy: Fire Truck Donation
Thank you to Pasco County Fire Rescue for donating a fire truck to our Fivay Academy. The truck will provide valuable hands-on experience as our students make their way through our program.
Other News

Welcome Back Teachers & Staff
Fivay High School would like to thank our community partners for assisting with our kick-off to the 2024-25 school year. Through our partnerships, the Falcon staff was welcomed back to campus each day during the planning week. Sugar Darlings, Trinity Panara Bread...

MegaShow: Success
Great turnout from the Mega Sports Card Show. All proceeds go directly to student fundraising. Thanks to our special guests Miki Sudo, the Nathan's Coney Island Female 10 time champion and Nick Wehry the National Ranked Competitive Eater to signing autographs....
Graduation - June 5, 2025 at 1:30 pm
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.