Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669
(727) 246-4000
Fivay High School
12115 Chicago Avenue • Hudson, FL 34669 • (727) 246-4000

FHS Vision
Each Student will be Life, Career, and College ready

FHS Calendar of Events

Retirees 2023-24
Combined educational experience is 99 years (almost a century)! Thank you for your dedication over the years. You will be missed: Pam St. Mary Lizzette Nazario Coach Rizzieri Mr. Hermansen presenting each retiree with a parting gift and celebration cake. Enjoy your...

Testing: 2024-25
State Re-takes (for graduation purposes) will be ending soon. Please monitor your student email for details! If you have any questions, please email: dbinder@pasco.k12.fl.us Testing Opportunities for the upcoming months. If you are a Senior, time is running out to...

Graduation Ceremony
June 4, 2024 at 9am USF Yuengling Center 12499 USF Bull Run DriveTampa, Florida 33617 Updated Graduation Information: ...
Spanish Culture Field Trip
The Fivay World Language department extends their heartfelt thanks and support during our recent field trip to El Paisa Restaurant. Your dedication and effort were crucial in making this outing a success. To the parents, thank you for your trust and involvement. Your...
Pre-Calc: Battleship
Mr. Zions' Pre-Calc students applying concepts through Battleship.
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Other News

Thank you Culvers of Port Richey!
Thank you Culvers of Port Richey for being invaluable Community Partners to Fivay High School all year long! FHS Staff appreciates you!

Thank You Culver’s of Port Richey!
Fivay Staff enjoys a treat from Culver's. Please support our local Culvers in Port Richey on US19 and Ridge Road, they have been an invaluable Community Partner to FHS all year!
Graduation - June 5, 2025 at 1:30 pm
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.