The District School Board of Pasco County has established the following guidelines for student dress:
Students shall wear modest clothing. This includes the restriction against tank tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, spandex clothing, leggings and yoga pants.
Students may wear shorts and skirts as long as they are of a modest length. Modest length is no more than 4 inches above the knee.
Blouses, shirts, and sweaters cannot dip below a line formed between the right and left armpit.
Pants shall be worn securely at the waist. No abdomen skin or underwear is to be exposed.
Students shall not wear hats or head coverings on the school campus during the regular school day unless previously approved for medical or religious reasons or special school activities.
Decorations, symbols, mottoes, or designs imprinted or attached to the body, clothing, accessories or student vehicle which contain profanity in any form, violent images, images of weapons, advertise tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or which identify them as members of secret antisocial groups or gangs shall not be worn to school or school functions.
Wallet chains, dog collars, and other jewelry that could present a safety or health hazard or cause a disruption to the educational process are not permitted.
Shoes must be worn for foot protection and hygienic reasons while on school grounds or on school transportation. Slippers are not permitted.
Following district school board policy, students out of dress code will be asked to change before they are allowed to return to their classes. Multiple dress code violations can result in further disciplinary action.
If you have any questions regarding district school board rules of dress and appearance, please see page 6 of the Student Code of Conduct.